Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hi Everyone!

I'm so sorry I haven't been posting in a long time.
My life has been very hectic lately. I've barely gotten more than 4 hours of sleep a night!

I just wanted to pop in and ask for you all to be praying for me.
I'm having to make some really difficult decisions lately and I'm having a lot of trouble.
Please pray that God will reveal to me what He wants me to do moving forward.
And also that He will reveal to me how to achieve the things He is pulling me towards.

Thank you!

Anyway, I miss you all and I hope to be posting again soon.

jamie brooke

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Frosted Pumpkin Spice Cookies!

Hi friends! So today I wanted to share a recipe with you!
Since fall is officially in session, I have been using pumpkin like crazy!
I came up with this recipe and I hope you all enjoy it :)


Pumpkin Spice Cookies with Buttercream Frosting!
These are the perfect cookies for a crisp autumn day! They are super soft and are just perfect with the buttercream frosting :)

What you need:

  • Spice Cake Cake Mix
  • Can of Pure Pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling!)
  • Cinnamon
  • Pumpkin Pie Spice
  • Buttercream Frosting
What you do:
1. Preheat oven to 350°. Mix Spice Cake Mix and Can of Pumpkin together in a mixing bowl.

2. Add in dashes of Cinnamon and Pumpkin Pie Spice. Use as much or as little as you want, according to how spiced and pumpkin-y you want your cookies to taste.

3. Using a spoon, portion out balls of the pumpkin/ cake mix mixture onto a cookie sheet. Make 1"-2" balls and space out with at least 1"-2" between each one. They will get larger, so keep the spacing in mind.

4. Put in oven for 20-25 minutes. Pull out cookies when they are golden brown around the edges!

5. Wait until cookies are fully cooled and then add the buttercream frosting to the top of each cookie. Once frosting is applied, put a dash of Pumpkin Pie Spice on each cookie!

Let me know if you try out the recipe and what you think!

Enjoy :)

jamie brooke

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Autumn Outfit!

Autumn Love

This is my perfect Autumn outfit for sitting outside reading some Fitzgerald while sipping on a hot Chai tea latte ^.^
Scarfs and sweaters are my favorite Fall accessories!

What are your favorite Fall things to wear?

jamie brooke

Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's Autumn!!!

Autumn is my favorite time of the year! I am so excited it's finally here!
All of my friends make fun of me because I am so obsessed with all things Fall, I keep it around the house all year! My room ALWAYS smells like pumpkin, I just can't get enough!

Anyway, I am hosting a Blog Party with Margot over at Newfoundlander at Heart! Also, make sure to enter in her giveaway! I'm going to be giving away two free months of large ad space right here on my little ole blog! I would love to work with one of you lovely people :)

And this blog party is all about the best season of the year, Autumn!!!
So I'm going to share with you a list of why I am so obsessed with this amazing time of year!


  • First off, fall is beautiful! The colors are breathtaking!
  • The leaves, I love the sound of crisp leaves crunching under my feet!
  • The clothes, cardigans, hats, and more cardigans!

  • The food and drinks, pumpkin everything!!!
  • The weather, it's finally not 90+ outside anymore, it's a nice 60-70 degree weather with a little nip in the air!
  • Pumpkins!!! If you can't tell, I love pumpkin food, pumpkin drinks and just pumpkins in general!

  • The holidays, Halloween is so fun and Thanksgiving is such a great time to spend with the loved ones!
  • Those are just a few of my many reasons! I could make this list go on forever!
How can you not fall in love with Fall? It's stunningly beautiful, and just everything about it is perfect!

Now you know my reasons for loving Autumn, what are yours? Go make a post and link up here!
Also, make sure to follow all of the lovely hosts! :)

Now go out and get a yummy pumpkin spice latte! ;)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hi everyone!

Life has been so crazy lately!

I just wanted to let you all know that I'll be trying to create more posts soon!
I miss you all and I hope you are all doing fantastic!
Here's a cute duckling video to keep you entertained:

jamie brooke

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Speak Now!

The Speak Now website is now open! All of you need to take a look at it!

Here is what it's all about:
"This website serves to touch the hearts of young women internationally. Sunday through Friday, women from all over the globe post to specified topics that address some of the most common and uncommon issues of today. Posts will include helpful hints, tips, recipes, ideas, and coping mechanisms for women of all ages.
Each week topics of discussion will fall into six different segments.  These segments will go hand in hand with one another on a weekly basis. Be sure to keep updated with our monthly themes and giveaway prizes. Speak Now is so much more than just a website.  Speak Now signifies a coming together for all women who have ever fallen apart as an individual. We practice the art of respect to one another, understanding to those different than our own, and most importantly the simplicity in loving oneself in all seasons of our lives.
We are many things. The common thread that links us together is the ever-beautiful fact that we are women.  With the power to create, educate, advocate, and elevate on behalf of one another- we will move mountains.
However untold your story may be- let it begin with our belief in you."

I hope you all take a moment to take a look and even like the facebook page!

jamie brooke

August Indie Gift Box

I was lucky enough to receive one of the Indie Gift Boxes from last month and I have to say I'm very impressed!
I was a little late in ordering, (checkout was crazy, there were so many people trying to snatch a box!) so I ended up with a back order Paper Cuts box. It did not disappoint!
Here is what I received:

This is what was in my box:
I've got to say I LOVE everything that was in the box! I'm even listening to the Sharaya Mikael cd right now ^.^

I can't wait to try and snag up next month's box!

jamie brooke

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