Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lessons from February

This past month God has been placing many things on my heart.
The biggest thing I feel that God has been trying to teach me is kindness.
I have always considered myself a kind person growing up, but when reading the Bible lately I realized this "kindness" I thought I exemplified, only applied to some people.
I realized to be kind didn't necessarily mean to hide my true feelings or become a doormat, but to truly care for others, whether or not I knew them.
It also means more than just compliments or being "nice".
This means those little arguments we have with our families or roommates isn't about who wins, but about showing love to the other person.
It isn't about forcing our beliefs and opinions on others, but showing love through our actions and words.
Arguments don't enforce your opinions on others, but only makes their own opinions stronger in their hearts.
It also means being able to serve others, even when that is the last thing in the world you want to do.
Jesus probably didn't want to be tortured and nailed to the cross, but He did it because of His unfailing love for us. So next time someone asks you for a ride home or something even as simple as grabbing a drink out of the fridge for them, don't think of it as a burden, but think of it as a way to show a tiny piece of love for that person.
I've found the more willing I am to do tiny things for people, the more likely they will look at me as a true follower of God.
I'm so tired of hearing people talk about Christians as bullies or hypocrites. We need to stop trying to argue Jesus into people's hearts, and learn to hear Him talking to our hearts.
How can we go through each day knowing how much God has sacrificed for us, while unwilling to sacrifice the smallest thing to bring glory to His name?

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." -1 Peter 4:8-10

What have y'all learned in this last month?

jamie brooke


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